Paige Elliott

About Me

My name is Paige Elliott and I am a senior at Bob Jones High School. I play competitive beach and club volleyball. I am a member of NHS, NEHS, HOSA, and French Club. In my free time, I enjoy spending time with my friends, family, and dog as well as traveling. After graduation, I plan on attending The University of Alabama for Business. I am excited to be in CEO to get hands on experience in the business world!






DISC Characteristics

  • Your score shows a moderately low score on the 'D' spectrum. The comments below highlight some of the traits specific to just your unique score. • You can be overly self-critical of your ability on certain issues or tasks. • You may defer to others who exhibit a stronger opinion or are more vocal. • You may be prone to avoiding difficult decisions, and this can create delays. • Unless completely wrong, you prefer to support decisions made by others rather than argue or disagree. • When you lead, you tend to do so by doing, not by delegating. • You like an environment where authority and responsibility is mutual and shared across all members.
  • Your score shows a high average score on the 'I' spectrum. The comments below highlight some of the traits specific to just your unique score. • You tend to be generous with your time in helping others. • You work best when you are able to interact with others. • You like democratic not dictatorial relationships on the job. • You like a flexible environment that allows for creativity. • You appreciate an open-door policy with both peers and supervisors. • You prefer working in a social environment rather than one that is remote or isolated.
  • Your score shows a very high score on the 'S' spectrum. The comments below highlight some of the traits specific to just your unique score. • Increasing your sense of urgency could benefit your performance significantly. • You desire a high level of structure and order. • Even in the midst of chaos or high tensions, you are usually very cool, calm, and serene (or at least you are perceived as such on the outside). • You can be quite resistant to change. • You are always seen as cool, calm, and collected on the outside (whether that is true on the inside or not). • You're always willing to help out in a pressure situation, even if you don't really want to.
  • Your score shows a moderately high score on the 'C' spectrum. The comments below highlight some of the traits specific to just your unique score. • You prefer a neat and clean work environment. • When you disagree, you may express your resistance in a passive-aggressive manner. • You may be perceived as somewhat resistant to change. • You desire a great deal of explanation before beginning new tasks. • You are excellent at gathering detailed information and examples. • You think it is important to adhere to specific and detailed instructions or procedures.