Hello my name is Henry, I was born and raised in madison AL and havent really traveled much from ... Learn More
Henry Holland
About Me
Hello my name is Henry, I was born and raised in madison AL and havent really traveled much from here.I have 2 brothers a sister and I am the youngest myself.I grew up playing and participating in many sports including: soccer, chess, swimming, and baseball. As I grew up these slowly started to drop off one by one, eventually leaving me with only soccer. At pretty much that same point a climbing gym opened up right next to the top golf on 72. I tried climbing, loved climbing, and kept climbing. Eventually with the time commitment that I made with climbing, soccer dropped off as well, even though I still enjoy the sport very much. Throughout my life I have always been a very diplomatic child, I always tried to diffuse the situation and generally was not very aggressive. Despite this I got High D on my DISC profile wich to be honest kind of shocked me, I never really saw myself as that kind of person. With this class I want to learn more about how to master my own mind, and establish a healthy mindset of improvement and work ethic that I can carry with me to other chapters of my life.
Henry Holland's DISC Profile
Your score shows a very high score on the 'D' spectrum. The comments below highlight some of the traits specific to just your unique score. • When stressed, you can become somewhat of a selective listener, hearing only what you want to hear. • You are practical - all about the business and getting results quickly without fluff or delay. • You migrate towards difficult assignments and opportunity for advancement. • You can be very commanding and tend to take charge more than you follow. • You are very decisive and a risk-taker. • The more difficult the challenge, the more motivated you seem to become.
Your score shows a moderately high score on the 'I' spectrum. The comments below highlight some of the traits specific to just your unique score. • You bring a definite optimistic attitude to projects and tasks. • You are sociable and outgoing with others. • You tend to naturally trust others and their ideas. • You can be pretty disorganized and lack great attention to detail. • You tend to be always ready to converse with a group, even with people you've just met. • You prefer an environment with plenty of people contact.
Your score shows a high average score on the 'S' spectrum. The comments below highlight some of the traits specific to just your unique score. • You believe rules exist for a reason. • You are generally known as steadfast and dependable. • You serve to stabilize others on a team who are perhaps too maverick. • You bring a high degree of self-control to work. You steadily move towards the completion of a task. • You prefer setting minimum levels of consistency and stability or control. • You can accept change, but you require a good argument for it first.
Your score shows a moderately low score on the 'C' spectrum. The comments below highlight some of the traits specific to just your unique score. • You prefer to be encouraged to create and try new ideas and procedures. • You can develop a variety of strategies and procedures as situations demand. • "The 'right way' to do things is the way I'm doing them right now." • You want little, if any, "routine" work. • You tend to operate somewhat more independently from the established rules and procedures. • You are probably perceived by others as a bit of a rule-bender.