Carson Cartwright






DISC Characteristics

  • Your score shows a moderately high score on the 'D' spectrum. The comments below highlight some of the traits specific to just your unique score. • You tend to be very decisive about problems, options, and new directions to take. • You would rather focus on the big picture, not the details which you can view as minutia. • You always prefer to be in control, which can make you reluctant to delegate sufficiently. • You tend to be very direct and forthright in communicating with others. • Your decision-making style is a rapid and straight-forward one. • You have no problem accepting the credit or taking the blame for results (e.g., "The buck stops here.")
  • Your score shows a moderately high score on the 'I' spectrum. The comments below highlight some of the traits specific to just your unique score. • You bring a definite optimistic attitude to projects and tasks. • You are affable and friendly when meeting new people. • You prefer to deal with people and get results with and through them rather than by yourself. • You prefer an environment with plenty of people contact. • You strongly prefer a democratic and not dictatorial professional environment or relationships. • Sometimes you can express your opinion too much.
  • Your score shows a high average score on the 'S' spectrum. The comments below highlight some of the traits specific to just your unique score. • You believe rules exist for a reason. • You prefer to have sufficient clarification of policy or tasks before proceeding, so as to avoid mistakes. • You serve to stabilize others on a team who are perhaps too maverick. • You don't like rocking the boat unless you absolutely have to. • When you need to, you can be flexible to change or new ideas. • You bring a high degree of self-control to work. You steadily move towards the completion of a task.
  • Your score shows a moderately low score on the 'C' spectrum. The comments below highlight some of the traits specific to just your unique score. • You prefer to be encouraged to create and try new ideas and procedures. • You prefer varied activities, never a dull moment. • "The 'right way' to do things is the way I'm doing them right now." • You could become rigid about your desire to do things differently or more quickly. • You view rules more as guidelines that may need to be bent or modified depending on the situation. • You want little, if any, "routine" work.